Throw a client event using
the Story City Catalog!
what is a
gamified story?
Welcome to our plug-and-play offering for brokers and agents to get their clients out exploring their local park, neighborhood, waterfront or city center to play!
We have partnered with Story City to access their proven, off-the-shelf, quickly deployable experiences for your clients to enjoy. These pre-made stories are available to be dropped in any location, anywhere in the world, and were adapted from Story City’s most popular past custom activation experiences.
The adventures were produced by Story City and created by their roster of creators who were carefully selected for quality, originality, and talent. Each experience includes art, music, voice acting and gamified fictional storylines to get families out and moving.
Did we mention they have storylines? Check out the Catalog HERE.
Access Our
Pre-Built Catalog
Choose from curated popular experiences that can be deployed in any city, subdivision, waterfront walkway or park!
A cost-effective way to throw a client event that your client family can continue to go back to all year round!
We can help you license one of Story City’s pre-made catalog of adventures fall into two categories: linear puzzle trail/escape room style experiences, or choose your adventure branching narratives with multiple endings!
Getting high-quality stories with a proven track record of enticing people to move through a park, waterfront or neighborhood at a fraction of the cost of custom made adventures. We have worked out a special deal with Story City to provide these exclusive experiences to Agents and Brokers for your client bases.
Tours can be dropped in your community in 2-4 weeks!
We license each Story IP from the creators in Story City’s network, we have negotiated these stories to be dropped in your chosen community space for 12 months from date of deployment.
It will be up to you if they are accessible to just your client base, or if they will be opened up to the general public to brand yourself with fun — the choice is yours! -
Your organization’s brand will appear publicly on the story cover page as the sponsor responsible for placing this story in your community, increasing your brand awareness in a new and unique way.
Story City is constantly growing it’s variety of story experiences to entice people from different walks of life — adults or kids, sci-fi thriller or action drama, park story or neighborhood adventure, etc.
Thanks to their hard work and the work of our partnership team, as Story City releases new adventures and experiences we will make them available to you here for your client bases as well. -
Story City’s Catalog stories use generalized locations rather than containing city specific references to art, history, activities or businesses.
I.E. Instead of referencing “The Trevi Fountain” it would be “the park fountain”.
After purchasing a story as a Client Event, we will send you a list of generic locations for you to match with specific ones in your community and we will drop the story in location on your behalf once we receive the specific locations from you.
Not interested in building a community tour and just want the Client Event Experience? No Problem! Here is that pricing:
1 Story for $1800
3 Stories for $5000
3 stories, deployed up to 5 different placements $10,000
Translation cost per 3 stories: $3000
5 Stories for $7000
Annual Subscription for $15,000
1 new story dropped per month = 12 Total/year
See Broker Package for best deal.
Please contact the team if you want to build a package unique to your needs